Life Insurance
Why should you purchase Life Insurance? Different life events, such as having children, having debt or buying a home, are examples of reasons why people purchase Life Insurance. You want to make sure that in the case of premature death, your family is taken care of. However, what many people do not realize is how Life Insurance can also be used to build equity which can be used to help keep a business thriving, finance future needs like children's education or to supplement your retirement.
Long Term Care
One of the greatest challenges a retired person has is in regard to the possibility of outliving their retirement and assets. This problem compounds considering most people would like to leave an inheritance to their family. A person works hard and sacrifices much when saving for their future retirement. Of all the financial risks that a retired person has, the greatest is the possibility of getting sick and needing extended care without having a plan of care in place.
Annuities are multi-faceted insurance contracts that should be carefully studied before investing in them. Allow us to help you determine the suitability based on your unique needs and the appropriate product option, as there are several. We will help educate you on each type of annuity, its role within retirement planning, and advise you on the most innovative ways to properly protect and diversify the fixed portion of your portfolio.